
Access CKI secrets

The secrets tool allows access to CKI variables and secrets.

$ python3 -m cki.deployment_tools.secrets --help
usage: [-h] {secret,variable,edit,validate,login,logout} ...

Access CKI variables and secrets

positional arguments:
    secret              Retrieve a secret value
    variable            Retrieve a variable value
    edit                Edit a secret value
    validate            Validate stored secrets
    login               Log into secrets storage
    logout              Log out of secrets storage

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json                output in json format

The following CLI aliases are provided:

  • cki_secret == python3 -m cki.deployment_tools.secrets secret
  • cki_variable == python3 -m cki.deployment_tools.secrets variable
  • cki_edit_secret == python3 -m cki.deployment_tools.secrets edit
  • cki_secrets_validate == python3 -m cki.deployment_tools.secrets validate
  • cki_secrets_login == python3 -m cki.deployment_tools.secrets login
  • cki_secrets_logout == python3 -m cki.deployment_tools.secrets logout

CKI variables and secrets meta data are stored in YAML files. Encrypted secrets are stored in HashiCorp Vault.

Environment variables

Name Secret Required Description
CKI_SECRETS_FILE no yes Path to the secrets meta data file
CKI_VARS_FILE no yes Path to the variables file
VAULT_ADDR no yes Address of the Vault server expressed as a URL, including port
VAULT_MOUNT_POINT no no Mount point of the KV2 secrets engine
VAULT_APPROLE_SECRET_ID yes no Secret ID of the approle (service account)
VAULT_TOKEN yes no Vault client token, falls back to ~/.vault-token if not set


usage: secret [-h] [--json] key

Retrieve a secret value

positional arguments:
  key         secret name

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      output in json format

For secrets, the file name for the secrets meta data needs to be specified in the CKI_SECRETS_FILE environment variable. The actual secrets are stored in HashiCorp Vault.

As an example, a secrets meta data file could look like:

    token_type: aws_secret_access_key

Pointing CKI_SECRETS_FILE to it and calling cki_secret foo will try to retrieve the value of foo from HashiCorp Vault:

$ cki_secret foo
$ cki_secret foo --json


Conditions allow to obtain a list of meta/data fields for multiple secrets via something like path[meta-key-1,!meta-key-2,...]. For all secrets that start with the given path, delimited by /, the given meta fields are obtained with a default of False. A secret is only included in the returned list if all conditions match, i.e. if they are True for a condition like meta-key-1, or False for a condition like !meta-key-2.

Supported locations

Location Description
some/path# dictionary of all key-value meta pairs
some/path#field value for the given meta field
some/path: dictionary of all key-value data pairs
some/path:field value for the given data field
some/path value for the value data field
some/path[cond1,cond2] list of the above for all matching secrets


usage: variable [-h] [--json] key

Retrieve a variable value

positional arguments:
  key         variable name

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      output in json format

For variables, the file name needs to be specified in the CKI_VARS_FILE environment variable.

As an example, a variables file could look like:

foo: bar
baz: |
  complex: value
bool: true
int: 15

Pointing CKI_VARS_FILE to it and calling cki_variable key will print the values of the various variables:

$ for i in foo baz qux bool int; do cki_variable $i; done
{'complex': 'value'}

With --json, the output will be properly json-encoded:

$ for i in foo baz qux bool int; do cki_variable --json $i; done
{"complex": "value"}


usage: edit [-h] key value

Edit a secret value

positional arguments:
  key         secret name
  value       new secret value

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Secrets and their associated meta data can be edited as well. From the location syntax table above, all but the conditions are supported.

When editing meta data, the secrets meta data file is rewritten with the updated meta data. When editing secrets, the actual secret values are updated on HashiCorp Vault.

$ cat secrets.yml
    token_type: aws_secret_access_key
$ cki_edit_secret foo#user_name aws-user-name
$ cat secrets.yml
    token_type: aws_secret_access_key
    user_name: aws-user-name


usage: validate [-h]

Validate stored secrets

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Compare the list of secrets available in HashiCorp Vault and the secrets meta data. Exits with an exit code of 2 if secrets are missing in HashiCorp Vault. Exits with an exit code of 1 if secrets are only missing in the secrets meta data. Exits with an exit code of 0 if no difference is found.


usage: login [-h] [--duration DURATION] (--oidc | --approle APPROLE)

Log into secrets storage

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --duration DURATION  validity of the token
  --oidc               login via OIDC
  --approle APPROLE    login via given approle

Log into HashiCorp Vault either via OIDC (human user) or an approle (service account).

For OIDC, a Kerberos ticket is necessary to get past SSO.

For an approle, the approle secret ID needs to be provided in the VAULT_APPROLE_SECRET_ID environment variable.

If successful, the client token will be stored in ~/.vault-token as supported by the official vault CLI tooling.


usage: logout [-h]

Log out of secrets storage

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Log out of HashiCorp Vault by revoking the client token. Independent whether the API call is successful, the ~/.vault-token file will be removed.