
Beaker broken machines updater

This script queries the Beaker database and gets a list of broken machines from Beaker.

The produced list of machines is used when submitting testing jobs so we avoid infrastructure failures which we’d encounter by running on these machines.

Environment variable Secret Required Description
MARIADB_HOST no yes Beaker DB host name
MARIADB_PORT no yes Beaker DB port
MARIADB_USER no yes Beaker DB user name with readonly access rights
MARIADB_PASSWORD yes yes Beaker DB password
MARIADB_DATABASE no yes Beaker DB name
BUCKET_CONFIG_NAME no yes Name of environment variable with S3 bucket spec to use as a backing store
CKI_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT no no Define the deployment environment (production/staging)
SENTRY_SDN yes no Sentry SDN
LIST_PATH no no Path for the machines list file in the bucket (default: /broken-machines-list.txt)
THRESHOLD_RECIPES_RUN no no Minimum recipes a machine needs to have run to be included (default: 15)
THRESHOLD_BROKEN no no Ratio of failed jobs for machines to be considered broken (default: 0.5)
MIN_DAYS_TO_CHECK no no Minimum days in the past to be included in the checks (default: 3)
MAX_DAYS_TO_CHECK no no Maximum days in the past to be included in the checks (default: 7)
LIMIT_RESULTS no no Number of machines to be included in the resulting list (default: 50)


On staging developments (CKI_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT != production), the changes are only logged but not uploaded to the S3 bucket.