
Access the GitLab GraphQL API via command line

Access the GitLab GraphQL API. Results are printed as JSON.

usage: python3 -m cki_lib.gitlab
                 [--gitlab-url GITLAB_URL] --graphql-query GRAPHQL_QUERY
                 [--variables [KEY=VALUE ...]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gitlab-url GITLAB_URL
                        GitLab URL, defaults to GITLAB_URL environment variable
  --private-token PRIVATE_TOKEN
                        GitLab access token, by default derived from GITLAB_TOKENS
  --graphql-query GRAPHQL_QUERY
                        GraphQL query
  --variables [KEY=VALUE ...]
                        JSON-formatted variable values

Configuration via environment variables

Name Type Secret Required Description
GITLAB_URL URL no no URL of the GitLab instance
GITLAB_TOKENS dict no no URL/environment variable pairs of GitLab instances and private tokens
GITLAB_TOKEN string yes no GitLab private tokens as configured in GITLAB_TOKENS
SENTRY_DSN url yes no Sentry DSN


$ python3 -m cki_lib.gitlab \
  --gitlab-url \
  --graphql-query '
    mutation ($id: NoteableID!, $body: String!) {
      createNote(input: { noteableId: $id, body:$body, internal: true }) {
        note {
          discussion {
    }' \
  --variables id=gid://gitlab/MergeRequest/12345 \
  --variables 'body="Hello World"'
{"createNote": {"note": {"id": "gid://gitlab/Note/67890", "discussion": {"id": "gid://gitlab/Discussion/0123456789abcdef"}}}}