
Manage CKI service account secrets across services

Manage credentials for service accounts and their meta data as stored in CKI secrets.



python -m cki_tools.credential_manager metrics

This will output the following Prometheus metrics related to the stored credentials:

name supported token_type description
cki_token_expires_at bugzilla_token, gitlab_token ISO8601 expiry date


For various kinds of GitLab tokens, the tool supports

  • creation (create)

    python -m cki_tools.credential_manager gitlab create --token TOKEN_SECRET_NAME
  • meta data update (update)

    python -m cki_tools.credential_manager gitlab update
  • validation (validate)

    python -m cki_tools.credential_manager gitlab validate

Project access tokens

See the API description for details.

name create update validate description
(secret) required required secret token
token_type required required required gitlab_token
gitlab_token_type required required required project_token
project_url required required required Project URL
scopes required updated Access scope
access_level required updated Access levels
token_name required updated Name of the token
token_id updated updated Project access token ID
created_at updated updated ISO8601 timestamp of creation
expires_at updated updated ISO8601 expiry date
revoked updated updated Whether the token is already revoked
active updated updated Whether the token is still active
user_id updated updated ID of associated user
user_name updated updated Name of associated user

Group access tokens

See the API description for details.

name create update validate description
(secret) required required secret token
token_type required required required gitlab_token
gitlab_token_type required required required group_token
group_url required required required Group URL
scopes required updated Access scope
access_level required updated Access levels
token_name required updated Name of the token
token_id updated updated Group access token ID
created_at updated updated ISO8601 timestamp of creation
expires_at updated updated ISO8601 expiry date
revoked updated updated Whether the token is already revoked
active updated updated Whether the token is still active
user_id updated updated ID of associated user
user_name updated updated Name of associated user

Personal access tokens

See the API description for details.

Token creation is not supported.

name update validate description
(secret) required required secret token
token_type required required gitlab_token
gitlab_token_type required required personal_token
instance_url required required GitLab instance URL
scopes updated Access scope
token_name updated Name of the token
token_id updated Access token ID
created_at updated ISO8601 timestamp of creation
expires_at updated ISO8601 expiry date
revoked updated Whether the token is already revoked
active updated Whether the token is still active
user_id updated ID of associated user
user_name updated Name of associated user

Project deploy tokens

See the API description for details.

name create update validate description
(secret) secret token
token_type required required required gitlab_token
gitlab_token_type required required required project_deploy_token
project_url required required required Project URL
scopes required updated Access scope
token_name required updated Name of the token
token_id updated updated required Project deploy token ID
created_at updated ISO8601 timestamp of creation
expires_at optional updated ISO8601 expiry date
revoked updated updated Whether the token is already revoked
expired updated updated Whether the token is already expired
user_name updated updated Associated user name

Group deploy tokens

See the API description for details.

name create update validate description
(secret) secret token
token_type required required required gitlab_token
gitlab_token_type required required required group_deploy_token
group_url required required required Group URL
scopes required updated Access scope
token_name required updated Name of the token
token_id updated updated required Group deploy token ID
created_at updated ISO8601 timestamp of creation
expires_at optional updated ISO8601 expiry date
revoked updated updated Whether the token is already revoked
expired updated updated Whether the token is already expired
user_name updated updated Associated user name

Runner authentication tokens

See the API description for details.

Token creation is not supported.

name update validate description
(secret) required required secret token
token_type required required gitlab_token
gitlab_token_type required required runner_authentication_token
instance_url required required GitLab instance URL
token_id updated Group token ID
expires_at updated ISO8601 expiry date (optional)

Configuration via environment variables

Name Secret Required Description
GITLAB_TOKENS no yes URL/environment variable pairs of GitLab instances and private tokens
GITLAB_TOKEN yes yes GitLab private tokens as configured in GITLAB_TOKENS above
CKI_LOGGING_LEVEL no no logging level for CKI modules, defaults to WARN; to get meaningful output on the command line, set to INFO