
Terminate orphaned EC2 instances

Tool to find and terminate orphaned

  • EC2 instances
  • EC2 spot instance requests


Usage: python3 -m cki.cki_tools.orphan_hunter_ec2
    [--untagged-key-prefix UNTAGGED_KEY_PREFIX]
    [--untagged-age UNTAGGED_AGE]
    [--runaway-key-prefix RUNAWAY_KEY_PREFIX]
    [--runaway-age RUNAWAY_AGE]
    [--spot-key-prefix SPOT_KEY_PREFIX]
    [--spot-age SPOT_AGE]

EC2 instances

In a first step, a list of all running and stopped EC2 instances is determined. Instances on this list are then terminated if they fulfil one of the following sets of conditions:

  • untagged instances:
    • --untagged-key-prefix is specified
    • instances have a matching EC2 key associated
    • instances are older than --untagged-age (default 1h)
    • instances do not have any tags
  • runaway instances:
    • --runaway-key-prefix is specified
    • instances have a matching EC2 key associated
    • instances are older than --runaway-age (default 1w)

Instances are only terminated in production mode.

EC2 spot instance requests

In a first step, a list of all open EC2 spot instance requests is determined. Requests on this list are then canceled if they fulfil one of the following sets of conditions:

  • old requests:
    • --spot-key-prefix is specified
    • instances have a matching EC2 key associated
    • instances are older than --spot-age (default 1h)

Spot instance requests are only terminated in production mode.


Environment variable Type Secret Description
CKI_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT string no Only terminate instances when set to production
CHATBOT_EXCHANGE string no AMQP exchange for notifications about termination
RABBITMQ_PORT int no AMQP port, TLS is used for port 443
RABBITMQ_USER string no AMQP user
RABBITMQ_PASSWORD string yes AMQP password
RABBITMQ_CAFILE filename no AMQP CA file path
RABBITMQ_CERTFILE filename yes AMQP certificate + private key file path