Update SSL certificates via dns-01 ACME challenges on Route 53, and deploy them via OpenShift routes and SSH
Usage: [certs|patch-remote|patch-local]
  • certs: the certificates are checked and updated via the certificate authority if necessary
  • patch-remote: existing certificates are deployed to remote clusters and via SSH
  • patch-local: existing certificates are deployed to the local cluster

Openshift routes that should be managed need to be annotated with certificate-name. This [certificate name] normally corresponds to the first domain name in a line of the ACME_DOMAINS variable.

kind: Route
Environment variable Type Mode Required Description
CKI_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT string no If set to “production”, contact the production endpoint of Let’s Encrypt certificate authority
ACME_DOMAINS string yes Domain names for the certificates; certificates are issued per line for one or more space-separated domain names
ACME_BUCKET string yes Deployment-all style bucket specification for the backup of registration data, keys and certificates
ACME_PASSWORD string yes Password for the encryption of the backup tarballs
ACME_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID string certs yes Access key of the AWS service account that is used to modify the Route 53 zones
ACME_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY string certs yes Secret key of the AWS service account that is used to modify the Route 53 zones
ACME_OPENSHIFT*_KEY string patch-remote yes Secrets for the OpenShift service accounts to update the routes
OPENSHIFT*_PROJECT string patch-remote yes OpenShift API endpoints for the OpenShift service accounts
OPENSHIFT*_SERVER string patch-remote yes OpenShift projects for the OpenShift service accounts
ACME_SSH_*_HOST string patch-remote yes user@host for the ssh-able hosts where certs should be updated
ACME_SSH_*_CERTIFICATE_NAME string patch-remote yes certificate name for the ssh-able hosts
ACME_SSH_*_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH string patch-remote yes full path to the secret key for the ssh-able hosts
ACME_SSH_*_CERTIFICATE_PATH string patch-remote yes full path to the full certificate chain for the ssh-able hosts
ACME_SSH_*_COMMAND string patch-remote no command to run after certificate updates for the ssh-able hosts
*_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY string patch-remote yes Secret key for the ssh-able hosts

The AWS service account needs permissions equivalent to the following IAM policy:

Version: '2012-10-17'
  - Effect: Allow
      - route53:ListHostedZonesByName
    Resource: '*'
  - Effect: Allow
      - route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
      - route53:ListResourceRecordSets
    Resource: arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/ZONE-ID

The OpenShift service accounts need permissions equivalent to the following Role:

kind: Role
  name: acme-deployer
    app: acme-deployer
  - apiGroups: []
    resources: [routes]
    verbs: [get, list, patch]
  - apiGroups: []
    resources: [routes/custom-host]
    verbs: [create]

For patch-remote mode, these permissions need to be specified via the OPENSHIFT_* variables. In patch-local mode, these permissions must be given to the service account of the pod.