
Proxy that transparently authenticates read-only S3 requests

For read-only ListObject and GetObject API requests for index.html files, the proxy will retrieve the data from the backend and return it directly.

For other GetObject API requests, the proxy will issue a 307 temporary redirect to a presigned URL.


Environment variable Type Secret Required Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID string no yes Access key of the AWS service account that has GetObject and ListObject permissions
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY string yes yes Secret key of the AWS service account that has GetObject and ListObject permissions
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION string no no AWS region, defaults to us-east-1
AWS_ENDPOINT_HOST string no no host name of the backend server used for proxied requests, defaults to s3.<region>.amazonaws.com
AWS_ENDPOINT_HOST_EXTERNAL string no no host name of the backend server used for redirects, defaults to <host>
AWS_ENDPOINT_SCHEME string no no schema to use for the backend server, defaults to https


While the proxy is able to forward arbitrary S3 API requests, it does not present a fully S3-compliant interface to clients.

In particular, aws s3 sync and minio-client mirror do not work with the proxy, as they do not support the 307 temporary redirects.

As a workaround, you can use a command like the following to sync data from the proxy to a local directory:

aws \
  --endpoint-url "${ENDPOINT_URL}" --no-sign-request \
  s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket "${BUCKET_NAME}" --prefix "${PREFIX}" \
  | jq --raw-output '.Contents[].Key' \
  | xargs --max-procs 256 -I{} \
  curl --location --no-progress-meter --create-dirs --output "${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/{}" \