Enabling SSO SAML2

It’s possible to configure Datawarehouse to rely on a SAML2 IdP for logging in. The djangosaml2 library is used.


Certain values are necessary to be configured for SAML2 to work. The following parameters are set by environment variables:

Name Type Description
SAML_ENABLED bool Enable/Disable SAML2.
SAML_CONFIG yaml Data necessary for the SAML2 configuration.

In addition to this, certain directories and files specified in the configuration need to be mounted on the given locations.


The following is an example of the required values in the SAML_CONFIG variable:

name: SSO Name

attribute_map_dir: /path/to/directory

    - url: https://your-idp-provider/metadata

  cert_path: /path/to/cert
  key_path: /path/to/key

  cert_path: /path/to/cert
  key_path: /path/to/key

  - given_name: First Name
    sur_name: Last Name
    company: Company Name
    email_address: email@domain
    contact_type: technical, administrative, etc

  name: Organization Name
  display_name: Display name
  url: https://organization.url
  • metadata: Information about the IdP. (docs)
  • signing: Pair of key + cert used for signing the metadata file. (docs key, cert)
  • encryption: Pair of key + cert used for encryption. (docs)
  • contact_person: Describe who can be contacted. (docs)
  • organization: Describe the organization responsible for the service. (docs)

Generating keys and certificates

Two different pairs of key+certificate are needed: one for signing the metadata and another one for encryption.

# Generate a 4096 bits key
openssl genrsa -out $NAME.key 4096
# Generate a certificate request for that key
openssl req -new -key $NAME.key -out $NAME.csr
# Generate the certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in $NAME.csr -signkey $NAME.key -out $NAME.pem

From the previous commands, we need to configure $NAME.key in the key_path field and $NAME.pem in the cert_path.

Attribute map dir

It’s necessary to provide a mapping between the SAML fields and the app-known ones. djangosaml2 expects a directory where these mappings are placed.

An example of an attributes map is the following:

MAP = {
    "identifier": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic",
    "fro": {
        'urn:oid:1.2.840.113549.1.9.1': 'email',
        'urn:oid:': 'givenName',
        'urn:oid:': 'surname',

The attributes-map-dir path can contain multiple map files. More information in the docs.