GitLab Pipeline

High-level description of the CKI GitLab pipeline


CKI GitLab pipelines roughly come in two flavors: pipelines that build kernels from source, and pipelines that download prebuilt kernels from Koji.

Building kernels from source

The following figure provides a slightly simplified overview of a CKI GitLab pipeline for a CentOS Stream 9 merge request where kernels are built from the sources in the merge request:

(Slightly simplified) source GitLab pipeline

Different colors represent different architectures of the underlying machines. The machines are either provided by AWS EC2 (“AWS” with single outline on the diagram) or by an on-premise data center (“DC” with double outline on the diagram).

Using prebuilt kernels

For comparison, this is a pipeline for a prebuilt kernel from Koji:

(Slightly simplified) Koji GitLab pipeline

Again, machines are either provided by AWS EC2 (“AWS” with single outline on the diagram) or by an on-premise data center (“DC” with double outline on the diagram).

Pipeline jobs

While the GitLab pipelines run in the various branches of the CKI pipeline projects, the actual pipeline code comes from the pipeline-definition repository.

Depending on various factors, the jobs in a given pipeline will be different:

  • kernel built from source or already prebuilt via Koji
  • supported architectures, native compilation or native tools
  • retriggered pipelines for CI testing using artifacts from previous pipelines

Retriggered pipelines

Retriggered pipelines use components of the staging environment where available.