Syncing the data in the staging instance of DataWarehouse

How to restore a production backup into the staging instance of DataWarehouse


You want to load fresh data into the staging instance of DataWarehouse.


  1. Log into the staging OpenShift project on the command line, e.g. by running the command on the “Copy login command” page hidden behind the menu in the top-right corner of the OpenShift web console.

  2. Scale the staging DataWarehouse deployment to zero via oc scale --replicas 0 dc/datawarehouse-webservice-staging.

  3. Get the name of one of the finished DataWarehouse backup pods via oc get pod -o name | grep datawarehouse-backup, and spawn a temporary debug pod for it via oc debug pod/name.

  4. Modify the bucket configuration in the BUCKET_DH_DW_BACKUPS_STAGING environment variable to point to the production bucket.

  5. Run and select the backup to restore.

  6. Wait.

  7. Scale the staging DataWarehouse deployment back up via oc scale --replicas 2 dc/datawarehouse-webservice-staging.