Creating diagrams

How to add or modify diagrams

All diagrams are created via (formerly and stored as PNGs with embedded XML. Their source code can be found on GitHub.

As file type, always use Editable bitmap image (PNG). That way, reviews on GitLab show the image differences, which is not the case for SVG.

Creating and modifying diagrams locally

Install drawio-desktop either as a rpm/deb/snap package or as a Flatpak via Flathub.

Creating and modifying diagrams online

Fork the documentation repository into your own account. Clone the fork, create a new branch for your changes, push it to GitLab and create a new merge request via

git switch -c new-branch-name
git push origin -o merge_request.create

Open the merge request in a web browser, and enable Squash commits via the Edit button on top.

Go to and select GitLab storage. When asked, authorize the app in GitLab.

Click either on Create New Diagram or Open Existing Diagram. Navigate to your fork of the documentation repo, and click on the branch name in the top row. Select the branch that was created above, and navigate to docs/diagrams.

As file type, always use Editable bitmap image (PNG). That way, reviews on GitLab show the image differences, which is not the case for SVG.

When a diagram is saved, a new commit is added to the newly created branch, and the merge request is updated automatically.

Changing diagram resolution

To change the PNG image dimensions, increase the zoom level at File/Properties/Zoom.

Extracting the XML code from PNGs

The compressed XML data is stored in a zTxt section in the PNGs. It can be extracted via something like pnginfo from pngtools. The uncompressed XML data can be obtained via URL-decoding, base64-decoding and inflating, e.g. with drawio-tools.