Handling secrets

How to create, rotate and destroy secrets


You want to

  • add a new secret to the secrets store
  • remove an obsolete secret from the secrets store
  • rotate a time-limited secret because its expiration date is looming

Checking prerequisites


  1. Make sure you have a current deployment-all checkout, and VAULT_ADDR set up as described in the README.md file.

  2. Make sure you have access to a working cki-tools installation, either via

    • installation into you user account

    • installation via direnv

    • a Podman container with the cki-tools image launched by something like

      podman run --interactive --tty --rm \
        --env VAULT_ADDR \
       --volume ~/.vault-token:/cki/.vault-token \
       --volume .:/data --workdir /data \
    • a toolbx container based on the cki-tools image created via something like

      toolbox create --image quay.io/cki/cki-tools:production
  3. Make sure Python has access to the CA certificates through the env var REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE, especially if you are not running in a container, in which case you should have it set since getting-started, otherwise this will help:

    export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs
  4. Log into HashiCorp Vault via

    cki_secrets_login --oidc

Managing pre-existing secrets

The following steps use the secrets module of the credentials helper from cki-tools.

Adding pre-existing secrets to the secrets store


  1. Secrets can be added interactively; for a new secret SECRET_NAME, the following command will open a text editor that allows you to enter the secret data:

    cki_edit_secret SECRET_NAME

    Quit the editor with a nonzero exit code to abort the operation, e.g. :cq in vi.

    This will create the secret value in HashiCorp Vault, and add a reference to it together with some default meta data in the secrets.yml file:

      backend: hv
        active: true
        created_at: '2025-01-22T10:54:04+00:00'
        deployed: true
  2. Additional meta data can be added either via editing secrets.yml directly, or by calling cki_edit_secret via something like

    cki_edit_secret SECRET_NAME#meta-data-key meta-data-value

    This results in the following secrets.yml entry:

      backend: hv
        active: true
        created_at: '2025-01-22T10:54:04+00:00'
        deployed: true
        meta-data-key: meta-data-value
  3. After adding the secret, commit the changes to the secrets.yml file and submit the MR.

Removing secrets from the secrets store


  1. Completely remove any reference to the secret from the secrets.yml file:

    # remove all meta data from the secrets.yml file
    cki_edit_secret SECRET_NAME# ''
    # remove the reference to the secret from the secrets.yml file
    cki_edit_secret SECRET_NAME: ''
  2. Commit the changes to the secrets.yml file and submit the MR.

  3. This step is optional, and can be done in bulk after multiple secrets have been removed from the secrets.yml file.

    Remove the secret from HashiCorp Vault with the vault executable via

    vault kv metadata delete apps/cki/SECRET_NAME

Handling managed secrets

The following steps use the manager module of the credentials helper from cki-tools.

Creating managed secrets

In contrast to the pre-existing secrets workflow above, managed secrets are created via the credential-manager, and require the meta data to exist in the secrets.yml file before the secret can be created.


  1. Check the credential-manager documentation to make sure the token type supports the create operation,

  2. From the credential-manager documentation, find the section about the token type you want to create, and create all meta data fields marked as required. As an example, for an SSH key, the meta data might look like

      comment: server-name
      key_size: 4096
      token_type: ssh_private_key
  3. Use the credential manager to create the actual SSH key and submit it to HashiCorp Vault:

    python3 -m cki_tools.credentials.manager create --token-name SERVER_SSH_KEY

    Inspect the generated secret meta data in the secrets.yml file, and the actual secret in HashiCorp Vault via

    $ cki_secret SERVER_SSH_KEY# --json
      "active": true,
      "comment": "server-name",
      "created_at": "2025-01-22T10:54:04+00:00",
      "deployed": true,
      "key_size": 4096,
      "token_type": "ssh_private_key"
    $ cki_secret SERVER_SSH_KEY: --json
      "private_key": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n....",
      "public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E...."
  4. Additional meta data can be added either via editing secrets.yml directly, or by calling cki_edit_secret as described above.

  5. Commit the changes to the secrets.yml file and submit the MR.

Removing managed secrets


  1. Check the credential-manager documentation to make sure the token type supports the destroy operation,

  2. Destroy the secret on the external service (if applicable) and mark it as inactive via

    python3 -m cki_tools.credentials.manager destroy --token-name SERVER_SSH_KEY

    This flips the active field to false in the secrets.yml file:

    $ cki_secret SERVER_SSH_KEY#active
  3. The secret can be removed from HashiCorp Vault as described above.

Rotating managed secrets

To be able to rotate secrets without downtime, multiple version of the secret need to exist at the same time, and must be configured correctly on both the service providing the secret and on the service consuming the secret.

In general, the service providing the secret needs to be configured to provide the deployed version of the secret, while the service consuming the secret needs to be configured to accept all the active versions of the secret.


token_type provider: secret[deployed] consumer: secret[active]
dogtag_certificate UMB connect() handled automatically
gitlab_project_token Bearer token approval rule user ids
ssh_private_key ssh-add - ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Beware that once you run prepare, new tokens might be created and old non-deployed revoked, which will cause pipelines in deployment-all to fail the token-validate step, effectively blocking any other merge requests in the repo from getting merged, so make sure to orchestrate your work with your peers to get it merged as quickly as possible.

Note also that running the command will modify the secrets.yml file, so be sure to commit the changes. In case you accidentally overwrite those changes, you may need to update the metadata manually in the file and possibly in the vault web UI as well.


  1. Check the credential-manager documentation to make sure the token type supports either the rotation operation or both the create and destroy operations.

  2. Export the GitLab API tokens from the CKI service account, because, most likely, the token from your personal accounts won’t have write privileges to some repositories, and you would get a GitlabAuthenticationError: 401 Unauthorized.

  3. Prepare a suitable second version of a secret via

    python3 -m cki_tools.credentials.manager prepare --token-type-prefix SECRET_TOKEN_TYPE

    or in specific cases via

    python3 -m cki_tools.credentials.manager prepare --token-name SECRET_NAME [--force]

    Use --force if the secret is not yet close to expiry, but it still needs to be rotated.

    If necessary, this will create a new active secret version in HashiCorp Vault, and add a reference to it together with the appropriate default meta data in the secrets.yml file.

    If a new secret version was created, commit the changes to the secrets.yml file and submit the MR.

  4. Switch to the new secret version via

    python3 -m cki_tools.credentials.manager switch --token-name SECRET_NAME

    This will mark the new secret version as deployed: true, and mark any other versions as deployed: false.

    Commit the changes to the secrets.yml file and submit the MR.

  5. Clean up any superfluous secret versions via

    python3 -m cki_tools.credentials.manager clean --token-name SECRET_NAME

    This will destroy the superfluous versions on the external service (if applicable) and mark them as inactive via active: false.

    If secret versions were destroyed, commit the changes to the secrets.yml file and submit the MR.

  6. Optionally, purge any inactive secret versions via

    python3 -m cki_tools.credentials.manager purge --token-name SECRET_NAME

    Again, commit the changes to the secrets.yml file and submit the MR.

    Additionally, the secret can be removed from HashiCorp Vault as described above.