Triggering test pipelines using the CKI bot

Features and details of CKI bot configuration

It is possible to trigger testing pipelines on merge requests in selected projects under the CKI group. These pipelines can be used to test new proposed changes, as well as rerun the testing to e.g. reproduce bugs.

The merge requests eligible for testing get a comment by the CKI CI Bot that outlines the basics of how to trigger the testing.

The code of the bot lives in the cki-tools project. This file also contains the text of the welcome message the bot posts on the merge requests. The configuration file itself is available in the deployment-all project.

NOTE: This document is an extension of the information provided in the comment on the merge requests by the bot and it is not meant as a substitute to the information in the comments. Consult the comments for common questions and project specific settings first, and consider extending the comment with information you find beneficial!

Default settings

Each project has a different set of pipelines that will get triggered if no specific pipelines are specified (e.g. when using a generic @cki-ci-bot test command). The default pipeline groups can be found in the aforementioned configuration file under the default_pipelines keys of the project settings, and the default branches for each pipeline type can be found at the same place under the pipelines settings under default_branches.

The created test pipelines have a CKI_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=retrigger trigger variable added, which makes the pipelines ignored by the rest of the CKI infrastructure (e.g. pipeline herder or reporting). Beaker testing is disabled as well to conserve resources.

Configuring triggered pipelines

Environment/trigger variables can be passed to the triggered pipelines by using the [key=value] syntax. The variables are passed to every pipeline triggered by the single comment, thus if you wish to trigger different pipelines with different variables passed to them you have to post multiple comments to the bot.

Any new variable can be passed to the pipeline - the variables passed to the bot are not limited to the user facing variables nor the pipeline specified defaults.

Default variables and overrides

For some projects, specific variables are added or overridden on the background by the bot directly so the developer doesn’t have to override them in the comment. The variable additions and overrides try to mimic useful defaults for each specific project, e.g. adjusting the project installation URL to the one with the proposed changes, or changing the container tags to the ones built in the containers merge request.

The default variables for each project can be found in the projects settings in the configuration file under variables key and the overrides under the override key.

Overriding package URLs

For any projects defined in GITLAB_COM_PACKAGES and GITLAB_COM_DATA_PROJECTS pipeline variables (check the current values in the pipeline specified defaults), an URL override can be passed to the bot in the format

<PROJECT>_pip_url = git+<USER>/<PROJECT>@<BRANCH>

where <PROJECT> in the variable name is the project name with any - replaced by _.

This override is automatically added by the bot if the MR being tested belongs to the <PROJECT>. Adding extra overrides provides a way to test changes from multiple projects in a single MR together.

As an example, the following variable will test with the upt version from merge request 196:

upt_pip_url = git+

The supported variables are provided in the welcome message posted by the bot.

tests_only=true setting

In an effort to speed up test pipeline runs, projects related to the testing stage are configured with the tests_only=true variable. This variable skips the kernel builds (or downloads, in case of Koji/Brew pipelines) and reuses the artifacts from the original retriggered pipeline. Only setup and later stages run in these pipelines.

NOTE: The pipelines triggered with tests_only=true variable will fail if the artifacts of the retriggered pipelines already expired!

You can specify tests_only=false to the pipelines if your run requires regenerating the artifacts or kernel builds.

Pipeline group mappings

All information about where the pipeline groups get triggered are available in the configuration file under the pipelines settings. For example, the upstream and koji pipeline groups trigger pipelines in specific branches of the trusted-contributors pipeline project.

Triggering non-default pipelines

The pipeline groups expose the pipelines in the whole project, even if only selected branches are set up to be triggered by default. However, since the whole project is exposed, any pipeline from that project can be retriggered by passing a pipeline ID to the bot together with the group, e.g. [upstream/123456] (where 123456 is the ID of the pipeline we wish to rerun).

As multiple groups can refer to the same pipeline project, there may be multiple ways to retrigger the same pipeline. Using the above example, we could also use [koji/123456] to retrigger the same pipeline, as the koji group also refers to the trusted-contributors pipeline project.


@cki-ci-bot test

Run all default pipelines, with default settings.

@cki-ci-bot test [brew]

Run all default pipelines for a specific pipeline group, in this case brew.

@cki-ci-bot test [rhel/123456] [kpet_pip_url=https://test.url/name/kpet@mybranch]

Run pipeline 123456 from the pipeline project exposed by the rhel group, and use a new test version of the kpet project to test it.

@cki-ci-bot test [rhel/123456] [kpet_pip_url=https://test.url/name/kpet@mybranch]

Same as before, but skip building the kernel and reuse artifacts from the original pipeline to save time.

@cki-ci-bot test [rhel/123456] [patch_urls=https://patch.url/1 https://patch.url/2]

Run pipeline 123456 from the pipeline project exposed by the rhel group, but apply linked kernel patches before building the kernel, e.g. to test fixes provided by the developers.